It’s Monday again

That means time to torture some clients with some custom, hands on personal training! I get excited when I look at my calendar and see who’s booked for the day. I already have a clear picture of what we will be doing to continue to progress.
I also really love my job and seeing the sweat and looks of concentration from my clients are just a small bonus!

Jacobs ladder H.I.T.

10 minutes solid on Jacobs ladder and 10 minute incline run. TGIF! Feels good to be back! Don’t have tons of time to do low intensity cardio? Aim for some H.I.T. Cardio then, be it jumping jacks, burpees or anything else you can come up with!

Easy cardio day

Getting back into it after a bad flu is always tough. Do you push hard and get sick again or stagnate and do nothing. I personally like to start back slow with some low-moderate intensity cardio.
I’ll see how I feel after today and gently ramp up the training from there.

Rest day

Some times it’s good to take a break from the gym. Over training can be just as detrimental as under-training. You can still remain active, which is what I did…. Get out and enjoy the world that we all exist in. Signs of over-training or that you need a break are:

  • chronic fatigue
  • elevated heart rate
  • reduced performance in the gym
  • Don’t lose your gains or burn yourself out, take a break when you need it!

    Back Blasted


    Lifting big, then switching to high reps, low weights…. Going for that special kind of burn! I love back training, mixing it up with isotonic and isokenetic!
